Grading Scale

Grade Reporting
Grades are reported at the end of each quarter through Infinite Campus. The Infinite Campus Portal allows parents and students to view assignments, attendance, grades, a student’s schedule, teacher comments, contact information, and emergency contact information.
Parents and students can access the Infinite Campus Portal quickly on a mobile device or a computer to stay informed about attendance and grades.
Given the easy access of this online tool, teachers can enter grades as often as suits their grade level and content. In order to communicate student progress most accurately to students, parents, and the administration, teachers should have their grade book updated by 4:00 PM on Thursdays.
Report Card Schedule
Report cards are available for parents to print from Infinite Campus five (5) business days after the end of the quarter.
5-8 Grading Scale
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F Below 60%

Report Cards
  • Report cards will be issued to all grades on a quarterly basis.
  • Grades for 5-8 students will be reported as a percent with the correlating letter grade. See the above grading scale.
  • Grades will be updated in Infinite Campus.
  • Given the easy access of this online tool, teachers can enter grades as often as suits their grade level and content. In order to communicate student progress most accurately to students, parents, the administration, and teachers strive to have their grade book completely updated a three week intervals.
  • Final report cards for students with outstanding fines will be withheld until the fine is paid.
Understanding Grades in Infinite Campus
There are five (5) ways an assignment is graded, the student’s grade will be entered into Infinite Campus.
  • A zero in the grade box means the student’s score is a zero.
  • The assignment can be flagged as late for a student whose work was turned in late. The teacher then will enter the grade with the appropriate late work reduction.
  • An assignment can also be marked as received. Assignments marked as “turned in” will be marked with a “T.”
  • An assignment can be flagged as missing; this will automatically act as a zero and affect the student’s grade accordingly.
  • If the box is blank, the assignment’s grade has not been entered in Infinite Campus. The blank grade
    box does not affect the student’s grade.