Student Support Services

Parker Performing Arts School Student Support Services consists of full-time and part-time specially trained and licensed support staff serving all students in special education, mental health, and academic support and advancement.
Our staff includes our school psychologist, social worker, counselor, gifted and talented coordinator, 504 coordinator, literacy director, speech and language pathologist, occupational therapist, and a whole team of learning specialists, ability grouping instructors, interventionists and educational assistants.
We work every day to support and assist students, their parents, our administration, and our teachers with the goal that each PPA student receives the academic and emotional support they need and the challenges they are ready for so they will thrive at PPA and beyond.
For questions about Parker Performing Arts School Student Support Services, contact: Phil Molfino at [email protected] 
For questions regarding Section 504 Services, contact: Michelle Leisy at [email protected]
Special Education and Services for Special Populations at Parker Performing Arts
Like all charter schools, Parker Performing Arts (PPA) is a public school. PPA does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, ancestry, need for special education services, or any other grounds prohibited by law. PPA serves students with disabilities and English Learners and provides services to students as required by state and federal law.

Under the Individuals with Disabilities Act, students with disabilities are entitled to a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). Applicants to PPA are not required to identify whether the applicant has an IEP and the school admits students without considering a student’s disability. After a student with an IEP is initially enrolled in the school, an IEP team meeting may be required to determine whether this school
is an appropriate placement for the student based on their needs. In most cases, the services required by a student with disabilities can be provided at PPA. In some cases, a student’s individual needs require that they be placed in a different program or location as determined by an IEP or Section 504 team.