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Communication Pathway

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Together, we enable our students to reach their potential as both responsible young people and successful learners and performers.

Each week the principal will update the parent community with school-wide information, Governing Board updates, and occasional community information. Please keep your email address up to date in Infinite Campus and notify the PPA Registrar with any changes [email protected]

The following tools will be used to foster communication between the school and families:

  • Email--personal communication between staff and families
  • Google Guardian--for assignment updates shred with parents
  • Infinite Campus--for grades and attendance
  • Website--general information (board updates, school calendars, handbooks. policy)

Governing Board/Parent Communication

The Governing Board will include information for parents in the principal’s weekly update as needed. All parents are invited to attend Governing Board meetings. The agendas will be posted on our school website and on the bulletin board at the entrance of the school at least 24 hours prior to meetings. Board Meetings are the first and third Tuesday of every month starting at 7pm.  The time and location of all Board meetings are posted on the school calendar, on the meeting agenda, and will note whether the meeting is available via conference call.