1:1 iPad Information

How the iPad Works in School

iPad Information


We are not engaged in creating students who spend all of their time with their head stuck in front of an iPad with countless hours of screen time.  That is not education.  Our devices are not entertainment devices straight out of your local retailer.  Rather, we will use the iPad to transform the learning environment as the primary method and device to deliver education.

PPA has invested over $1,000,000 to bring a state of the art wireless network and Apple technology to our building.  Our network is exactly tuned to handle a density model so that every device has its own appropriate amount of bandwidth in the school.  According to our research, only our public universities will have a faster internet speeds than what PPA will offer.  We have partnered with companies dedicated to making PPA a showcase school of state of the art technology.

Please read the PPA and Douglas County Media Release Forms that are required for all students to enroll and participate.

PPA Media Release
DCSD Media Release Form
DCSD Media Release Guide

PPA is a Blended Learning Environment

Parker Performing Arts is blended learning environment, and teaches with a mix of technology and various traditional face-to-face instruction. Blended learning combines classroom learning with online learning, in which students can, in part, control the time, pace, and place of their learning.  This allows teachers to provide an individualized learning process to each student.  PPA will not just shoot for the bell curve in teaching, but PPA provides content rich experience and learning for all learners including remedial and advanced learning.

Please enjoy this Ted Talk that helps explain how blended learning represents the learning of the future…now.

Entrusting each student with his or her very own iPad creates a transformed learning environment that accomplishes the following:

  • Will be used for academic and performing arts instruction
  • We will teach responsible digital citizenship and proper ways to be responsible for the device
  • Fosters 21st century skills
  • Prepares students for the future: high school, college and career
  • Allows 24/7 access to course materials, lectures, videos, etc.
  • Encourages students to take a proactive role in their own education
  • Encourages students to actively engage rather than passively learn
  • Fuels passion and engagement with both teachers and students
  • Enables students with special needs with superior accessibility, and they can engage with course materials in new and better ways
  • Improves attendance and academic performance
  • Helps in minimizing behavior issues
  • Allows students to work at their own pace, and gives instant feedback to teachers on individualized student performance
  • Students will take assessments on the same devices they use every day


Apple Device Enrollment Program:

  • This provides a fast, streamlined way to deploy all of our school-owned Mac or iOS devices so they are classroom ready


Mobile Device Management:

  • We can manage and deploy custom, current, and consistent devices. Fast.
  • We can lock down devices so that only the applications that are being used are available to students.
  • We can switch from teacher’s iPad to student’s and back again instantly through the Apple Air and Apple TV device


Volume Purchase Program and Managed Distribution:

  • We work with Apple to purchase enough apps at volume discounts to then deploy using the other services mentioned above.



  • This allows us to control how the iPad is used. It allows us to better manage large numbers of iPads simultaneously, and prevents the user removing any settings or apps you apply. Teachers can supervise the entire classroom at one time and what they are seeing on their individual devices.


Using the SAMR Model:

SAMR is a model designed to help educators infuse technology into teaching and learning. Click on the image below to learn more about how SAMR works.