Grading Scale

Grade Reporting
Grades are reported at the end of each quarter through Infinite Campus. The Infinite Campus Portal allows parents and students to view assignments, attendance, grades, a student’s schedule, teacher comments, contact information, and emergency contact information.
Parents and students can access the Infinite Campus Portal quickly on a mobile device or a computer to stay informed about attendance and grades.
Given the easy access of this online tool, teachers can enter grades as often as suits their grade level and content. In order to communicate student progress most accurately to students, parents, and the administration, teachers should have their grade book updated by 4:00 PM on Thursdays.
Report Card Schedule
Report cards are available for parents to print from Infinite Campus five (5) business days after the end of the quarter.
K-4 Grading Scale
Parker Performing Arts School posts K-4 grades on a number scale rather than a letter grade scale based on percentages. The two types of grading scales do not correlate in terms of letter grades equaling the number scale. For example, an F does not equal a 1, nor does a B equal a 3. Elementary students will receive grades according to the mastery level in which learning objectives are met. The points will then correlate to a number grade, ranging from 1-4.
Students will receive points in the arts based off of the STAR (Showmanship,Technique, Attitude, and Rehearsal) rubric, which are also converted to an overall grade of 1-4.
An outline the academic and artistic grading scale is below.
Grade Mark Legend

4: Distinguished
Advanced understanding of learning goals. Student demonstrates a deeper level understanding of learning and independently exceeds grade level expectations.

3: Proficient
Meets learning goals. Student performance demonstrates an understanding of the knowledge and skills expected at this grade level. Student demonstrates consistent application of skills. Student works independently to achieve learning goals.

2: Basic 
Partially meeting learning goals. Student performance demonstrates a partial understanding of the knowledge and skills expected at this grade level. Student Is progressing in understanding, however, the skills are not yet mastered.
1: Emerging
Not meeting learning goals. Student performance does not represent an understanding of the knowledge or skills expected at this grade level. Student is working below grade level expectations. Student needs continued support.
Grading Scale:
95% and above= 4
80%-94%= 3
70%-79%= 2
69% and below= 1